Reading log

up to date as of- JAN 17 2024


dates: JAN 1 2024- present


books are for the most part, chronological, with more recent reads lower in the list

  1. Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratcehtt
  2. The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett
  3. The Truth by Terry Pratchett
  4. Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
  5. The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett


Final Book Count for 2023- 145

dates: MAR 01, 2023 to DEC 31 2023


books are mostly chronological, with more recent reads later in the list. However, I did not update this every time I finished a book so some will be dinstinctly not in order, especially around the middle of the list (~30 to ~60) when I forgot to write down what I was reading for a while and went through by author to update.

  1. The Illustrated Man- Ray Bradbury
  2. The Left hand of darkness- Ursula K LeGuin
  3. The Lathe of heaven- Ursula K LeGuin
  4. A wizard of Earthsea- Ursula K LeGuin
  5. The tombs of Atuan- Ursula K LeGuin
  6. The farthest shore- Ursula K LeGuin
  7. Tehanu- Ursula K LeGuin
  8. Tales from Earthsea- Ursula K LeGuin
  9. The other wind- Ursula K LeGuin
  10. The wind's twelve quarters- Ursula K LeGuin
  11. Rocannon's world- Ursula K LeGuin
  12. Planet of exile- Ursula K LeGuin
  13. City of illusions- Ursula K LeGuin
  14. The word for world is forest- Ursula K LeGuin
  15. Four ways to forgiveness- Ursula K LeGuin
  16. The dispossessed: an ambiguous utopia- Ursula K LeGuin
  17. The birthday of the world and other stories- Ursula K LeGuin
  18. Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy- Douglas Adams
  19. The restaurant at the end of the universe- Douglas Adams
  20. Foundation- Isaac Asimov
  21. Foundation and empire- Isaac Asimov
  22. Second foundation- Isaac Asimov
  23. Foundations edge- Isaac Asimov
  24. Foundation and earth- Isaac Asimov
  25. Forward the foundation- Isaac Asimov
  26. Prelude to foundation- Isaac Asimov
  27. Pebble in the sky- Isaac Asimov
  28. I, robot- Isaac Asimov
  29. The stars like dust- Isaac Asimov
  30. Currents of space- Isaac Asimov
  31. The naked sun- Isaac Asimov
  32. The gods themselves- Isaac Asimov
  33. Robots of dawn- Isaac Asimov
  34. Robots and empire- Isaac Asimov
  35. A peculiar peril- Jeff VanderMeer
  36. Hummingbird salamander- Jeff VanderMeer
  37. Acceptance- Jeff VanderMeer
  38. Authority- Jeff VanderMeer
  39. Annihilation- Jeff VanderMeer
  40. Psalm for the wild built- Becky Chambers
  41. Prayer for the crown shy- Becky Chambers
  42. Galaxy and the ground within- Becky Chambers
  43. Record of a spaceborn few- Becky Chambers
  44. A closed and common orbit- Becky Chambers
  45. The long way to a small angry planet- Becky Chambers
  46. Three body problem- Cixin Liu
  47. Dark forest- Cixin Liu
  48. Deaths end- Cixin Liu
  49. Ball lightning- Cixin Liu
  50. Supernova era- Cixin Liu
  51. Cloud cuckoo land- Anthony Doerr
  52. Powers- Ursula K LeGuin
  53. Gifts- Ursula K LeGuin
  54. Voices- Ursula K LeGuin
  55. The beginning place- Ursula K LeGuin
  56. Changing planes- Ursula K LeGuin
  57. The eye of the heron- Ursula K LeGuin
  58. Midnight library- Matt Haig
  59. Good omens- Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
  60. Braiding sweet grass- Robin Wall Kimmerer
  61. Gathering moss- Robin Wall Kimmerer
  62. Devil house- John Darnielle
  63. Beacon 23- Hugh Howey
  64. wool- Hugh Howey
  65. Shift- Hugh Howey
  66. Dust- Hugh Howey
  67. Babel- R.F. Kuang
  68. Poppy war- R.F. Kuang
  69. To be taught if fortunate- Becky Chambers
  70. Borne- Jeff VanderMeer
  71. Strange bird- Jeff VanderMeer
  72. Unmasking autism- Devon Price
  73. The end of eternity- Isaac Asimov
  74. Flux- Jinwoo Chong
  75. To sleep in a sea of stars- Christopher Paolini
  76. Recursion- Blake Crouch
  77. Translation state- Ann Leckie
  78. Stories of your life and others- Ted Chiang
  79. An absolutely remarkable thig- Hank Green
  80. Notes on complexity- Neil Theise
  81. The solar war- A.G. Riddle
  82. The lost colony- A.G. Riddle
  83. Winter world- A.G. Riddle
  84. Sleeping giants- Sylvain Neuvel
  85. Exhalation- Ted Chiang
  86. Waking gods- Sylvain Neuvel
  87. Do nothing- Celeste Headlee
  88. Only human- Sylvain Neuvel
  89. Queers destroy science fiction- Various, Lightspeed mag.
  90. Lost in time- A.G. Riddle
  91. The test- Sylvain Neuvel
  92. The future is disabled- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
  93. The white castle- Orhan Pamuk
  94. Upgrade- Blake Crouch
  95. A beautifully foolish endeavor- Hank Green
  96. Switch- A.S. King
  97. Fractal noise- Christopher Paolini
  98. In ascension- Martin MacInnes
  99. Dig- A.S. King
  100. Still life with tornado- A.S. King
  101. I crawl through it- A.S. King
  102. Everybody sees the ants- A.S. King
  103. Reality boy- A.S. King
  104. Glory o briens history of the future- A.S. King
  105. Quantum radio- A.G. Riddle
  106. The collectors- Various, edited by A.S. King
  107. Ask the passengers- A.S. King
  108. Callahans crosstime saloon- Spider Robinson
  109. Time travellers strictly cash- Spider Robinson
  110. Callahans secret- Spider Robinson
  111. Please ignore viera dietz- A.S. King
  112. Robot visions- Isaac Asimov
  113. Callahan's Lady- Spider Robinson
  114. A half built garden- Ruthanna Emrys
  115. Winter's tide- Ruthanna Emrys
  116. deep roots- ruthanna emrys
  117. Lady slings the Booze- Spider robinson
  118. The callahan touch- spider robinson
  119. Callahan's legacy- spider robinson
  120. Callahan's con- spider robinson
  121. Variable Star- Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson
  122. All you Zombies and Other Stories- Robert A. Heinlein
  123. Rocketship Gallileo- Robert A. Heinlein
  124. The Color of Magic- Terry Prachett
  125. the ligth fantastic- terry pratchett
  126. equal rights- terry pratchett
  127. mort- terry pratchett
  128. sourcery- terry pratchett
  129. wyrd sisters- terry pratchett
  130. pyramids- terry pratchett
  131. guards!guards!- terry pratchett
  132. eric- terry pratchett
  133. moving pictures- terry pratchett
  134. reaper man- terry pratchett
  135. witches abroad- terry pratchett
  136. small gods- terry pratchett
  137. lords and ladies- terry pratchett
  138. men at arms- terry pratchett
  139. soul music- terry pratchett
  140. interesting times- terry pratchett
  141. maskerade- terry pratchett
  142. feet of clay- terry pratchett
  143. hogfather- terry pratchett
  144. jingo- terry pratchett
  145. the last continent- terry pratchett